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Poll: Did you like the Inopinatus idea for a new type of SRS Series?
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Yes, i like it a lot. It's a very good idea.
16 38.10%
Yes, but only the Inopinatus Basic series.
7 16.67%
Yes, but only the Inopinatus Extreme series.
6 14.29%
Yes, but with no 300/400 rating minimum.
2 4.76%
Yes, but i prefer the optional name, " Russian roulette ".
3 7.14%
No, i don't think it's a good idea.
8 19.05%
Total 42 vote(s) 100%
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The Inopinatus brand new SRS Series idea - POLL
Hello again fellow racers.

After some positive feedback from the original thread - " Suggestion for a brand new SRS Series, the " Inopinatus Basic series " and the " Inopinatus Extreme series " , i have decided to give it a go at creating my first forum poll ever. Blush
The goal is to have a better idea of this new concept acceptance by users of SRS.

To maybe help things, i putting a copy of the idea text from the original thread here also, so people can be able to easily know the concept and vote while being on the same thread.

Here it is :

" Subject: Suggestion for a brand new SRS Series.

Hello fellow racers.

I've been racing here in SRS, for a while now and for the most part, i've been having a lot of fun.
I used to have a lot more time than now, to be able to, before races, practice, make my own setups for each track, test the sets with fuel for the race length and so on and that way i could easily be wining races or at least top 3, in worst case top 5. And this was a necessity in order to be competitive.

Nowadays, i don't have a lot of free time, but since i still enjoy and miss sim racing, i've decided to do a test and just do some random SRS races, even if i don't have any time to practice, make setups or do any testing whatsoever, relying only on my experience.

The result wasn't bad...same incidents rate or even lower, managed to stay in or near top 5 or lower in best of cases, but using default setups when everybody are using track specific faster setups, can make the experience although very very challenging, also makes it very hard and frustrating, when you know that it's the setup that it's making you slow. At least for someone used to be faster.
I'm sure the lack of practice can make you a bit slower in quali, but on the race, the pace is there in 2 or 3 laps if you have some experience.

So this got me thinking...
" There gotta be more people in the same situation as me..."

There should be a lot of people in the same situation as myself, that like to sim race, but the lack of time, to test, build a good setup, practice hard and all this for each track of the series, makes them race slower than they will normally, there for frustrating or even that this fact makes them don't even race at all.

And a normal open setup series on SRS at the moment, kind of fails to really show who's really faster imho, it shows mainly who's got the most time and talent/experience to make a very good setup for each track and who's spends the most time to practice. Of course you got to be fast enough still to win or top 3, but the setups and practice does make a huge difference. And now i know this personally, because i've tested it.
And of course there are some fixed series most of the times...one or two if i'm not mistaken, but still not enough to be able to find something you like racing...and you will still find racers that will practice until their wheels fall off, every day.

And all this gave an idea.... Idea

A brand new concept for two SRS Series... Dedicated to all sim racers without a lot of free time.

The all new " Inopinatus series " ( unexpected, sudden, unforeseen, unaware in Latin ), a new series bringing something new to SRS and dedicated to show the driver's pure talent to simply drive and their quick adaptability to any circuit and car, where lots of time to practice or to make better setups won't be a factor to determine who's really the best and the faster driver.

The Inopinatus Basic series, would be a 20 minutes race, 10 minutes qualify, 5 minutes practice, once a week, fixed setup, one car model only that would be known, but all tracks would be hidden and unknown...a surprise. You will only know the track once you're on the server.

And The Inopinatus Extreme series, that would be also a 20 minutes race, 10 minutes qualify, 5 minutes practice, once a week, fixed setup, to drivers who have all AC DLC's, unknown cars and each one different for each track, all tracks would be also hidden and unknown. You will only know the track and the car once you're on the server.

I though about the name "Inopinatus" series and also on "Russian roulette" series...can't decide yet, hehehe. Big Grin

Well, this is just an idea, a suggestion...but i personally think it would add something new, interesting and practical for people lacking free time.

Feedback would be great. Wink

Cheers. "

So, now i guess it's just a matter of waiting and see the poll results.
Since i'm not sure if a new topic on the "suggestion section" down at the bottom of the forum will get that much visibility, i will encourage those who like the concept ( and even those o don't,lol) to spread the word, in order to get the more SRS users possible to come here and vote.
First vote is mine! Big Grin

I really like the idea of ​​a similar format. In fact, there is only one series with fixed setups, almost always open wheels, which not everyone prefers (they are risky races for the accident rating, I avoid them for this reason). It would be nice to have a series like this, perhaps that in the 6 weeks the type of car also changes to make everything more random. If possible, however, introducing a minimum rating (400+?) To limit the rumble rush. It would be great to increase the practice time to 10-15 minutes, in order to avoid the most common mistakes during qualifying and the race to still have a smooth race with as few problems as possible.
(08-01-2020, 04:58 PM)Afonso Quelhas Wrote:  Nowadays, i don't have a lot of free time, but since i still enjoy and miss sim racing, i've decided to do a test and just do some random SRS races, even if i don't have any time to practice, make setups or do any testing whatsoever, relying only on my experience.
Same situation with me!
I Like a lot this idea and I will enter for sure!(depending on the hour of the race)

The "basic series" makes more sence, I think knowing the car is a must to avoid confusion and have AVG incidents low.

*Could be "SRS Track Roullete" for example
Once point would be what if you didn't have the required track, have you an enough time to download and install before the join time runs out for those with slow download limits and slower systems.

Great idea though and voted as such.
Perhaps it's best to keep car/track combination in the range of the "unmodded" cars and tracks, to be sure racers can join, no matter what. But, as a player who lacks proper practice time and both the knowledge and time to make efficient setups, I like the idea.
well to be honest many ppl have problems on track even if they know what track they will drive and have chance to prepare,i can only imagine this getting 100 times worse for many when the track is not known
also as setups go there really aint abything like magical setup that will make you much faster unless few very broken cars are used,
its pretty easy to say iam slow because of the setup but that really aint the case unless you make some really broken setup, also making the car having optimal topspeed and downforce for a track is pretty basic setting that you really need no skill for, that is the most of the difference in speeds, the rest is really about making the car behave the way you like (this was proven many times when i got asked for setups, almost nobody got any faster, they were at the same speed as before or even slower becuse they did not like the way the car behaved, but as the magic setup theory says the should have gone 3 sec per lap faster )
often you can see very similar laptimes by fast drivers on totaly different setups
fixed setups also do not make it the same for everyone, it is really dependant on your driving style, for some, fixed setup may be very good while for others it will suck balls and it will be very frustrating to drive thew car
sure there can be some random track car fixed setup serries for those masochists who like random shit even more random than usual random shit that happens in standart races Smile but overall i do not think this might improve anything, it wont make slow drivers faster , it wont make fast drivers slower (by much)
(02-18-2021, 09:47 PM)Michal Ringes Wrote:  ...
I partially agree with you, Michal, but not completely. From my experience, as a really inexperienced sim racer, you're right when you say there is no such thing as a "magic setup", especially when a beginner like me simply copies the setup used by a pro for his record: it's likely going to be impossible to drive for me. Nevertheless, a couple suggestions (like the ones I kindly got for Cupra TCR) can and often will make a huge difference (2-3 seconds for a mid-sized track like Imola) in a very short practice time.
On fixed setup, a random combination would be cool to "try things" but, in my opinion, is going to make the difference between experienced and inexperienced drivers even larger: when I try a new track with a new car, in the first days of practice I lower my lap times by 2-5 seconds, while I learn the racing line first, the breaking points, when I need to change gears and the optimal tyre pressure (not in this order). An experienced drivers has likely raced on that track, and has likely raced on that car (e.g.: Toyota GT86 @ Modena I'm practicing recently: I know the car decently, but never raced on this particular track. As I'm practicing two other car-track combinations, I'm likely skipping the Toyota race because I don't have enough time to get a comfortable race pace and be at least somewhere in the traffic, even if it's probably an "easy" car-track combo).

To end my boring post: yeah, the "random series" would be cool (and honestly I can't avoid to support the initiative), but it's probably "for experienced players".

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