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Assetto Corsa Skin Transfer App V1.1
A few tips on how to get under 10MB:
  • Delete any Alpha channels on textures that don't actually need them. Like your typical "Body" texture.
  • Half or quarter the scale of any incidental textures like tires, rims, glass. Or hell... delete them if you don't mind the look of the defaults! Just look at your car in the CM showroom and start deleting stuff. If you can't tell the difference, or don't care, yer done. If you do care, Undo!
  • If the car has two big textures... like 1 for body and 1 for logos and such, replace the one for logos with a 2x2 pixel transparent texture and put all your logo work directly on the body. This might not be great for folks working only in 2D, but if you are painting right on the body like I do, you can hardly tell the difference on the track going 200kph.
Tutorial on how to use Autodesk Mudbox and Adobe Photoshop to make custom liveries! https://tinyurl.com/yaetz4qz
Grab my PDash Skins (an Assetto Corsa HUD app) here: https://tinyurl.com/y95ewubz
One thing to be wary about with the Alpha channel is that in some cases it's necessary to produce the effect of a spinning wheel. I learned this with the RSS F3 car. Dunno how it works but if you delete the alpha for the wheel then it looks like a solid disk when in motion. Now I test all my skins on track before making them final.
I see many, many white Porsches at the Porsche GT3 Cup...

One reason are problems with the skin itself, but the main reason is that drivers use skins from other drivers or downloaded skins.

Here is an example:

A registered "Max Mustermann" want to drive with a skin called "pierre_samoske".

What "Max Mustermann" doesn't understand, is, that his Porsche is gonna be just plain white for all other drivers (except "Pierre Samoske" himself), who didn't drive with the real "Pierre Samoske" in a past race and the real "Pierre Samoske" did use his skin in one of these races. Cause then, the "pierre_samoske"-skin doesn't exist on their local harddrives.

Maybe "Max Mustermann" thinks, that this skin he chooses while he registers for a race is one from the SRS-Server... -> No, it isn't. This skin he chooses exists on his local hardrive. Downloaded before from a SRS-server. So, yes, this skin (if up to date) exists on the server, but it won't be associated with "Max Mustermann" by the SRS-Skin-App.

The AC-Client loads all cars with their textures (if existant on local harddrive) and yes, it tries to load "Max Mustermanns" "pierre_samoske"-skin, cause this combination is provided by the AC-Server, but makes it plain white, if this skin doesn't exist locally.

The SRS-Skin-App won't upload "Max Mustermanns" choosen "pierre_samoske" skin. The SRS-Skin-App only uploads the skin, if the skin-folder-name would be "max_mustermann". And the SRS-Skin-App at the other drivers won't download the "pierre_samoske"-skin if the real "Pierre Samoske" isn't in that race and uses his skin.

So, how does Max Mustermann use an open custom skin downloaded from a website or a skin from another user (which isn't a private skin) for an SRS-race?

  1. In AC choose the skin e.g. in the showroom in practice mode
  2. Keep the skin name in mind, e.g. "00 Dhl 13"
  3. Open a windows explorer and move to the skin-folder concerning the car. In this case "..\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\content\cars\ks_porsche_911_gt3_cup_2017\skins"
  4. Create a folder named "max_mustermann"
  5. Copy the content of the folder "00_DHL_13" to the created folder "max_mustermann". (But don't exceed the overall size-limit of 10MB. If the skin-pack is larger, you can't use this skin. Maybe u can delete some textures (for glas, tires, extras) or resize the textures and resave them.)
  6. Restart AC
  7. Now, if he registrates for an SRS-race, he can choose the skin "max_mustermann". He can see the name under the small skin-pictures. They are sorted alphabetically.
  8. On the "registered drivers page" he should see something like "Max Mustermann         515.76         porsche-icon            max_mustermann"
  9. Now his skin is ready for the race! It's the same skin, like the "00_DHL_13"-skin, but now it works with the SRSSkin-App for everyone!
If Max wanna change the skin he drives at the moment to another free skin:

  1. Delete the folder "max_mustermann"
  2. Create a new custom skin folder "max_mustermann"
  3. Copy the new content of the other skin-folder to the new folder "max_mustermann"
  4. Open a command prompt (Win+R -> type "cmd")
  5. Move to ur skin-folder (by typing e.g."cd /D D:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\content\cars\ks_porsche_911_gt3_cup_2017\skins\max_mustermann")
  6. Type "copy * +,," (this changes the modification date of all files in that folder)
  7. Restart AC
  8. The SRS-App will upload the new choosen skin next time he races on an SRS-Server.

  1. Delete the content in the folder "max_mustermann"
  2. Copy the new content of the other skin-folder to the folder "max_mustermann"
  3. Execute my script via a shortcut. It changes the timestamps of the folder and it's content. Download and HowTo here:
  4. Restart AC
  5. The SRS-App will upload the new choosen skin next time he races on an SRS-Server.

Last race, I just asked the people:
"How does my porsche look at your client? Is it the yellow DHL-Porsche?"

2 guys, who answered me said "no, it just plain white". But they see the correct livery icon in the driver list.

It should look like this:
Copyright at "LR-Thom" at https://www.racedepartment.com/downloads...ack.13383/

To my surprise, on SRS-TV my porsche looks correct. So, how it can be, that at some users, my porsche is just plain white, but on the SRS-TV-client the skin works?

The file "Skin_00.dds" is 2.66 MB.
The content of the folder (3,4MB):

SRS-Skin-App says:
"My skin is OK".

What is missing at the users harddisk or how can it be?
Any ideas? Maybe someone who drove with me in the "Porsche GT3 Cup" can have a look in the skin folder and check, which files are in the folder "pierre_samoske".

I also noticed, that some Porsches which were plain white while racing on my client, had nice skins on SRS-TV.
They might not be using the skin transfer app, or they didn't exit and re-enter the server to load the skin in their game. Or some file transfer problem, but most likely one of the other two reasons.
I wrote with another driver.
He checked my "pierre_samoske" folder on his harddrive and said, that only the "Skin_00.dds" file is missing. But my skin on SRS-TV looks correct. So, why his App didn't download this only file?

And I checked some (for me) white porsche drivers and their folders here on my harddisk and I noticed, that in some folders beside some other downloaded texture files, only the "Skin_00.dds" file is missing.

I think the APP has a kind of sync problem?

I resaved the texture and recreated my skin folder, to get a new creation-date. I will see, what is gonna happen then...

After the SRS-Skin-APP re-uploaded my skin cause of a new date, I asked the others again, how my Porsche looked like. They said "plain white". Seemed their APP again didn't download the "Skin_00.dds". I raced many races in the past with these guys. So, I think, they already should have had the skin on their harddrives.
A missing skin file in an otherwise complete folder means it's a file transfer problem,. This is the one recurring problem I'm aware of with the skin transfer app that has yet to be resolved.
So we just have to wait, until the SRS-Team is gonna fix this already known issue someday? Ok, good to know they are aware of it. Thx!
Well, you seem pretty persistent so maybe you could try different things to see if there's something on the user end that can make it work?

Maybe try different DDS file sizes, since the skin file is usually the largest. Or try different DDS formats or graphics programs, or whatever else you can think of that might work. That could narrow down the scope of the problem and make it easier for SRS to troubleshoot.
Hmm, I don't know or even think, the "SRSskintransfer.exe" analyses the dds-format or its resolution or - summarized - the content of the dds-files. I think it just syncs the content of two folders while uploading to the server and downloading to the client. And there is something wrong. Uploading works better as we can see on SRS-TV. Why the App doesn't download the "Skin_00.dds" in some cases should be ez to find out by the coders. What they created until now with SRS is awesome! Without SRS I wouldnt even drive races. But it feels like they don't have enough time to care about this "minor" problem. I mean, the APP is more than 3 years old and noone did a click on it since 2017.

And btw. so many drivers don't even know or underdstand the point with the skin-folder-name... So, would this all be worth it?

1st, the app should create a logfile with more information, to see what went wrong when or why.

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