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Racing Etiquette Statement or Tutorial
I know SRS has a short statement on Track Etiquette.  Perhaps some folks are too new at this to know what that means, or they simply have never read it.  I don't know, but I've seen more examples here of folks, some nubes and some who call themselves "professionals"  spinning and then ramming other drivers when they make their way back on the track.  Also, some folks seem to have no idea which is fair or foul during passing.
Could I suggest that you put on your todo list a bigger, more detailed and instructive statement of Track Etiquette, perhaps something that should be read BEFORE drivers can be registered with SRS.  Maybe something similar to this:  http://www.ukgpl.com/index.php/rules/etiquette

A video tutorial like this one:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2YrLMjYxQ8  might be useful as well.

Please note that I am only offering these as examples and not endorsing them as accurate or the best available.
The response (number of views) just to the title of this post seems to indicate that drivers are looking for this sort of thing. I think most people here want to be GOOD and safe drivers. but just don't know the rules.

If you do come up with a detailed chart of driver etiquette, and/or a vid demonstrating proper driver etiquette, I suggest you make it a sticky.

Hopefully such a thread would be read more than all the other threads combined.

Here is another example of a vid on Driver Etiquette. Very professionally done.


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